Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Power Words, Book Fair, Sketching!

Dear Children and Families;

On Monday, October 31st, we are going to be doing a pumpkin investigation with our buddies in room 72.  We will be looking for around 10 to 12 pumpkins of different shapes and sizes all together.  If you would be willing to donate one for our classes to work on, or if you would like to help out with the activities, please email me at <clcollins @cbe.ab.ca>.  We would like to have all of the pumpkins collected by the end of Friday, October 28th.

-    Since Monday October 31 will be a busy day for Team 72, learning commons book exchange will be Tuesday November 1st.
-    Math Night is Wednesday October 26th – Book Fair will be in the Learning Commons.
-    For Class Leader Show and Tell you must now bring a book you would recommend to your friends.  What is your favourite story?
-    Picture order forms due back Wednesday October 26th.
-    Students are able to bring their Halloween costume for Monday October 31st. – students can wear costumes for the afternoon.  Students can bring in a fun snack for themselves for the afternoon.  Snacks for the whole class are not required. Thank you!


We read to ourselves or with a buddy while Ms. Collins did guided reading.

We worked hard on our Power Words today in Word Work.

We went to the Book Fair to view the books. Book Fair will be open until tomorrow, Wednesday October 26th at 7pm.

In Math, we practiced the three math games we are going to show our parents tomorrow at Math Night.

We had gym today.  Please share with your parents what you did.

We ended the day working on our writing.  We started sketching our house plant or pets.  We went over our ideas about how we take care of our plants and pets at home.

Power Words:  have,   my,    our,    see,    what       

Have a wonderful evening! Ms. MacMillan will see you for the rest of the weekJ Ms. Collins will see you next Monday and Tuesday.

Wednesday Class Leader is Ellie!

:) Ms. Collins

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