Wednesday, 1 March 2017

We can organize our ideas in Writing

Dear Children and Families,

-Hungry Kids!  Many of us are all hungry as we arrive at school in the morning.  Please make sure you are eating a healthy breakfast to give you energy to start the day.  Please send extra healthy snacks to help you get through the day.
-Home Reading
-Dress for the weather, we are outside for gym.  We want to be warm and dry!

Important Words:

POWER WORDS:              should could   than  then
These are words we are learning to read and spell.

ACADEMIC WORDS:         Arctic   Inukshuk
                             Graphic organizer    True Facts
These are words that we are learning to understand the meaning of in math and social studies.


We read to self and read to someone.  We talked about strategies to figure out words we don’t know last week, this week we will talk about strategies to help us understand what we are reading.

We read for 30 minutes.

We looked at different types of graphic organizers in writing today.  Ask me what a graphic organizer is for.

We listened to the beginning of the artist’s journal Inukshuk Journey by Mary Wallace.

In math we learned to count to 10 using the CHISANBOP strategy and played a great game called Strike Out. 

During Social Studies we have begun learning about life in the Canadian Arctic community.

Tomorrow’s Class Leader: Rowan (remember to bring a stuffy to share).

Blog Question:What do you organize at your house?

See you tomorrow!

Ms. MacMillan


  1. Kaitlyn says she helps to organize her toys and her clothes.

  2. Hannah says she organises her bed in the morning and her stuffies that have fallen out :)
    She also has a rock / crystal collection that she organised and labeled.

  3. Retaj says that she organizes her book shelf, art shelf, toys and her bed sometimes:)

  4. I organize the toy room. Grayden.
